Yoshihiro Tatsuki 'Erotica Larotica' 'Onna No Yakata' 1972
Yoshihiro Tatsuki 'Erotica Larotica' 'Onna No Yakata' 1972
Hanashi no Tokushu, Tokyo 1972
First Edition
Size: 20 x 21.5 cm
Pages: 34
centered on the Austrian painter Dina LAROT (b. Maria Elisabeth Lebzelten in 1942, student of Kokoschka, best-known for her paintings of girls and women; HP / info). It features portraits of the artist & Co., lavishly dressed and frolicking nude, a few pictures of a Crazy Horse show, all in rather contrasted b&w, as well as a few reproductions of Larot's SM-lesbian erotic works. Signed copy.